Thursday, October 17, 2019

User Manual Critique Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

User Manual Critique - Research Paper Example It measures five inches in width, 4.1 inches in height and 3.1 inches in breadth. It has an approximate weight of five hundred and sixty grams making it very light for portability purposes. The writer of the manual has organized the manual in a very user friendly way tackling each component of the camera at a time. The writer introduces the user of the manual with a basic overview of the components of the camera. This includes the simple to understand peripherals and components of the camera like the camera body, view finder, monitor, command dial, power switch and the mode dial (Thomas 2009). In introducing the user to such components the user can easily understand the detailed description of the other finer components. After the introduction of the user to the hardware components of the camera, the manual unfolds to the software components. This is in relation to the use of the camera and the various user interfaces integrated into the camera to enhance functionality. The user is introduced to use of the various camera menus. After this, the user is slowly introduced to the real use of the camera like in the first instance the user should charge the battery and then insert it back to the camera. The writer explains step by step on the initial set up procedure to make sure that the camera works as intended. However, this should have been discussed before the explanation on the camera menus for easy understanding. If the menus had been discussed after the initial set up of the camera, the camera can find it easier to follow. The manual also explains on the working of the camera. It explains step by step on the procedure to follow when taking pictures of varied nature. It goes ahead to explaining how the user should handle the camera, start, set the stings and select the background. However in demonstrating this, there should be clear images to show how and where to press or change the

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