Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Moving to a New City Make this Change to Your LinkedIn Profile

Moving to a New City Make this Change to Your LinkedIn Profile More than 1Â  out of 10Â  people moved last year. Our economy is becoming more and more fluid, and the job market is changing with it. But if you know you want to move to Chicago next year, and are starting to hunt for jobs there, make sure to change your LinkedIn profile to reflect your desired job location, not your current home. Why?First of all, companies want local candidates. They don’t necessarily want to shell out to move anyone or make the effort to recruit people who are settled elsewhere. Even if you’d eventually need to negotiate moving expenses, change your location to be in the same area as your dream job. The rest can be accomplished and explained once you get the interview.Companies are also worried that they (and you) will take the time and energy and resources to relocate, and then you might not like your new city or your new job. Time, energy, and resources wasted. Given the risks, most companies start searching locally first before expanding their net.Recruiters might even search for possible candidates solely based on LinkedIn searches by zip code. You could be left out of the game before you even realize.If you want to make a career change that involves a move, start online! Make sure you can be found by the people who can help you make that happen.Use the Location Where You Want to Work on Your LinkedIn Profile

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