Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 20

Case study - Essay Example This is because there was a lack of team approach and communication deficits among the doctors and most healthcare workers. The different specialists who treated his various ailments lacked concern about what their counterparts did and this only compounded Mr. Roberts’s problems. He also notes that although there were ample medical records, consultants hardly reviewed the information within meaning that prescriptions they made and treatment they offered was questionable and not comprehensive enough. This resulted in wastage on valuable resources due to replication of prescriptions and reproduction of ineffective therapeutic plans. Physicians and patients hardly communicate well and this only exacerbates a medical situation. Treating all patients equally is said to have cost Mr. Roberts’s brothers life. Moreover, lack of assertiveness and ignorance among patients is a factor that contributes to untimely death and worsening of medical conditions. Ability for patients to ascertain true qualifications of physicians is very important (Gillies, 2003). Mr. Roberts we are told had to travel for more than 100 miles to get treated by the right physician. Hence, patient’s knowledge play a very important role in enhancing their

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