Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 20

Case study - Essay Example This is because there was a lack of team approach and communication deficits among the doctors and most healthcare workers. The different specialists who treated his various ailments lacked concern about what their counterparts did and this only compounded Mr. Roberts’s problems. He also notes that although there were ample medical records, consultants hardly reviewed the information within meaning that prescriptions they made and treatment they offered was questionable and not comprehensive enough. This resulted in wastage on valuable resources due to replication of prescriptions and reproduction of ineffective therapeutic plans. Physicians and patients hardly communicate well and this only exacerbates a medical situation. Treating all patients equally is said to have cost Mr. Roberts’s brothers life. Moreover, lack of assertiveness and ignorance among patients is a factor that contributes to untimely death and worsening of medical conditions. Ability for patients to ascertain true qualifications of physicians is very important (Gillies, 2003). Mr. Roberts we are told had to travel for more than 100 miles to get treated by the right physician. Hence, patient’s knowledge play a very important role in enhancing their

Monday, October 28, 2019

Using Operant Conditioning to Increase Productivity Among Workers Essay Example for Free

Using Operant Conditioning to Increase Productivity Among Workers Essay If I would be a manager of a large automobile factory, I would be interested in increasing the productivity among all workers. A good tool for this is Operant Conditioning. I would have 3 types of workers: white collar office employees, factory line workers, and quality control employees. I would use different techniques for each type. For quality control workers I would use punishment. If they didn’t notice a defect in the product that they were supposed to check, they would get a fine taken off their paycheque. I would use fixed ration scheduling for punishment, so that every mistake is noticed and punished. This will make them extra careful, and will increase the quality of the product on the market. This form of treatment – punishment – might make them angry. But they can’t express their anger on me because I’m their manager and I might fire them. So they will be angry with workers and will be checking product for defects with special passion. For white-collar office employees and for factory line workers I would use Positive reinforcement. This technique will bring enthusiasm and optimism to workers, will create positive environment, and will increase their productivity. If I will reword workers for extra work done, or for being done the assignment before the due date, I will strengthen their motivation for work because it is followed by the presentation of reward (money added to the pay check). I would use variable ratio schedule for the rewords to be given out, meaning that on average I will reward every 5th outstanding achievement. I would not choose variable interval, because giving reward simply after a period of time wouldn’t bring the response as fast and efficient as I want.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

William Faulkner Essay -- Biography

The South is known for its many astounding artists, novelists, and writers; however, William Faulkner is uniquely categorized by many as one of the most influential writers of the twentieth century. Faulkner became known for his diction and literary techniques. William Faulkner chronicled the history of Mississippi: however, his choice of universal themes made him a literary giant around the world. Faulkner achieved many great accomplishments without a high school diploma or college degree. Faulkner had proved to the world that Southern writers were not as substandard as many viewed them to be. They were, in fact, quite phenomenal. William Faulkner born on September 25, 1897 to Murry Cuthbert Falkner, a railroad employee and Maud Butler, an amateur painter (Minter, 755). Faulkner was born in New Albany, Mississippi ; however, he spent most of his life in Oxford, Mississippi (Polk, 55). In Oxford, Faulkner began listening to many stories told at small family gatherings as well as large reunions. Many stories told by Faulkner’s family originated from adventures of Faulkner’s great-grandfather, Colonel William Clark Falkner . Since Faulkner was disappointed and embarrassed by the meager success of his own father, he drew closer to his grandfather, but it was his great-grandfather who he saw as a model and rival ( Minter, 755). Faulkner was an excellent student throughout the first several grades; however, he quit school in 1915 without a diploma disappointing his family. Even though Faulkner dropped out of school, he read avidly (Minter, 755). Faulkner made a habit of hanging around places where people gathered to swap tales ; After Faulkner began writing about north Mississippi , a friend remarked that, â€Å" he seemed to know e... ...y two of his novels received Pulitzer Prizes. In 1924 Faulkner received the Nobel Prize for literature for his unique contribution to the modern American novel. After Faulkner donated his Nobel winnings to establish a fund to support and encourage new fiction writers, the PEN/Faulkner Award for fiction was established. Whenever Faulkner’s involvement in the early phases of the civil rights movement evoked, he and Estelle moved to Charlottesville, Virginia , where Faulkner became writer-in-residence at the university of Virginia (minter, 760). In conclusion, William Faulkner, the Southern writer , Nobel and Pulitzer prize winner, sweep the nation with his diction and literary techniques. With his fictional stories he laid literary hands on Mississippi and narrated the universe throughout its culture. His universal themes made him a literary giant around the world.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

BMW’S Dream Factory & Culture Essay

1. Describe the culture of BMW. Organizational culture is an idea in the field of Organizational studies. A culture is derived through the individual experiences, attitudes, shared values or common perceptions that are held by each member of an organization. Organizational culture affects such outcomes as productivity, performance, commitment, self confidence, and ethical behavior. Within the auto industry, Bavarian Motor Works, or BMW recently chose to create a paradigm shift from a divisional style of leadership to an organic business. A value system has evolved within the organization that drives passion, which in turn brings forth energy and ownership from leadership to associates of the company. Founded in 1916 by a merger of two companies Rapp Motoren Werke and Gustav Flugmaschinefabrik, its origins as a company specialized in airplane engines, thus creating the inspiration for its current logo, introduced in 1920, the circular design of an aircraft propeller. BMW is a company with a hierarchy, but the decisions are made at the level where capability rests. The decisions that are made in the company are a result of informal networks, along with numerous brain storming sessions. Department managers have the ability to decide without a committee which omits needless bureaucracy. Regardless of your job title all levels work together to create ideas to better the brand and product. 2. Discuss the model of leadership illustrated at BMW and the related impact on the organizational culture. Management at BMW is critical to the ultimate viability of the organization. In 1997, BMW chose to change their leadership style from classic to organic. This change was due in part to the leadership at BMW recognizing the value of the employees and listening to  their ideas. The company chose to cultivate their own career managers from within the organization and not hiring any top executives from outside the business unless special needs were presented and an internal hire was not possible (Avery, G. C. 2004). BMW’s structure is based on teams which include a supervisory board consisting of 21 members. The board of management consists of 10 members, and there are several other networks of teams which are all self managing. At the company’s assembly line, the culture of being visionary changed the hierarchical leadership model to teams that independently solve problems and make decisions. BMW has adopted a concept of having visionary leadership where Avery, G. C. (20 04) contends that the company’s move from a hierarchical culture made its leadership to move closer to its employees, which in turn made the workers take ownership of how the organization works and operates in business matters. Teamwork and collaboration have become the corporate culture of BMW since this new style of leadership has taken effect. 3. Analyze why employees derive high job satisfaction at BMW, using the concepts illustrated in the job characteristics model (see chapter 5). BMW has enjoyed tremendous success as â€Å"the ultimate driving machine†, but it was the culture of BMW that drove the roadmap for decorum of its employees. The company determined that to meet the needs of the business it needed to use various models of reinforcements to motivate the employees thus creating a culture of receptiveness, incentive, and confidence (Hellriegel, D., & Slocum, J. W., Jr. 2010) The same culture gave its employees high job satisfaction with its inclusiveness and job ownership impression. Employees have a clear idea of the mission that has to be accomplished. Hellriegel and Slocum (2010, p. 140), contend in their analysis of the job characteristics model that â€Å"If all three psychological states are positive, a reinforcing cycle of strong work motivation on self-generated rewards are activated.† â€Å"A job without meaningfulness, responsibility, and feedback is incomplete and doesn’t strongly motivate an employee.† BMW chose to empower their workers by using material rewards which translated into a new pay plan. The company offers the best salaries to the employees along with health benefits that make sure of employees motivation being always high at the work. The culture at BMW allows  employees to feel they are valued and that their ideas are appreciated. 4. Discuss the attributes of organizational creativity that are fostered at BMW. BMW’s organizational creativity produced a business model focused on excellence and vision. Establishing an enterprising work culture includes various factors to be considered, with BMW focusing on expecting their employees to think in entrepreneurial terms, self managed, and inventive ways which benefit all involved. The company demanded that this type of creativity in an organization could foster a working side by side approach that produced a rebranding of mindset in the quality of open door communication in its corporate culture. Until the new system was implemented, employees were paid whether they worked or not, but using the new organic culture, employees earned vacation time for working longer hours. The pay off of this system produced workers who had tendencies of being more consistent in their learned behavior because of this reward system. (Hellriegel, D., & Slocum, J. W., Jr. 2010). 5. Discuss how the culture and work environment impact the performance results of BMW. BMW’s visionary goal was to accelerate performance, job satisfaction, and increase their bottom line. With a revamped organic culture, BMW provided a positive work place, rewarded and recognized it employees, and involved and increased employee engagement. By developing the skills of its workforce and by promoting from within, and most importantly continued to evaluate and make improvements the company saw overall increased profitability. The result of ordinary business activity in the BMW automobile segment was up by 5.1% to 2.106 million euro in 1997. The financial services division was successful, sales increased by 6.6% (Kasperskaya, Y. 1999). The implementation of BMW’s corporate culture took vision, acceptance, and dedication. The responsibility for change and performance improvement rests squarely on the shoulders of leaders at all levels. A motivating environment is one that gives workers a sense of pride in what they do. References Avery, G. C. (2004). Understanding Leadership. London: Sage. Hellriegel, D., & Slocum, J W, Jr. (2010). BUS520: Organizational 2010 custom edition. (12th ed.)Mason, OH: South-Western Centrage Learning. Kasperskaya, Y. (1999) Case Study of the 1999 BMW Group

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

China’s Crackdown On Tibet

Since 1951, when Chinese rule over Tibet was established, Beijing has tried hard to stifle Tibetan culture, religion, and language (Demick, 2008a). In 1959, Chinese troops brutally suppressed a failed Tibetan uprising against China which resulted in the flight of the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan spiritual leader, and tens of thousands of Tibetans to India where they proclaimed a government-in-exile (Demick, 2008b). Despite the central government’s heavy investments in Tibet’s infrastructure and support of the region’s tourism industry for the last decade which led to a 14% GDP growth rate in 2007 and the emergence of a new middle class in Lhasa, Tibet’s capital, the recent economic achievements failed to win Tibetans’ loyalty to Beijing. More and more Han Chinese, the country’s majority population, have come to the region in recent years making up approximately 50% of Lhasa population and being the true beneficiaries of economic growth. Tibetans also oppose the hardline policies adopted by the local party leader, Zhang Qingli, aiming at restricting religious influence on the population and undermining the authority of the Dalai Lama who is revered in Tibet (Trashing the Beijing Road). Mid-March protests in Tibet The last month protests in Tibet were sparked on March 10th by three hundred or so monks in Lhasa staging a peaceful demonstration to mark the anniversary of a failed 1959 revolt against Chinese rule and urging the government to set free imprisoned colleagues. Protests continued on March 14th shortly after two monks had been beaten by police officers. These demonstrations by hundreds of Buddhist monks and local Tibetan residents turned violent and resulted in clashes with the police forces and burning of shops owned by Han Chinese residents. Protests quickly spread to the monasteries of Ganden, Drepung, and Sera, â€Å"Page # 2† and also took place in Amdo province where the Dalai Lama had been born (Magnier, 2008a). Thousands of people also attacked a local police station, vandalized several police cars, and raised Tibet’s national flag, banned by the Chinese government. At least ten people were reported to be killed in Lhasa as a result of rioting and clashes there. On March 15th, the rebellion erupted also in the holy city of Xiahe. (Magnier, 2008b). The police forces surrounded the area and ordered foreigners to evacuate the region. The demonstrations were dispersed, many Tibetan monks and residents beaten and arrested. By March 17th, despite the presence of Chinese security forces deployed to the region, the rioting spread to Sichuan, Gansu, Qinghai provinces, areas with considerable ethnic Tibetan populations, and resulted in eighty deaths (Demick, 2008b). The government selected media images and stories for broadcasting in order to describe Tibetans and Buddhist monks as the aggressors and the Chinese state as a victim and, thus, succeeded in winning sympathy and support among the Han Chinese. Beijing accused the Dalai Lama and his self-proclaimed government-in-exile of being the mastermind behind the riots in Tibet and portrayed the protests as a conflict between the Chinese and the Tibetans stirring up feelings of anger and fear among the former and appealing to their nationalist sentiments (Magnier, 2008c). The Dalai Lama, by contrast, called for nonviolence but he admitted at a conference in Dharamsala, India, attended by many foreign journalists that he was powerless to stop the riots as Tibetans, being fed up with Beijing repressive regime, have became more and more violent and radicalized (Demick, 2008b). Methods such as telephone tapping, Internet filtering, and travel restrictions were used by the security units to block any information or news about the rioting and its suppression. Chinese press also criticized foreign journalists accusing them of distorting the facts about the rioting in Tibet and of exaggerating the brutality with which they were suppressed. On March â€Å"Page # 3† 26th, Beijing officials selected some two dozen foreign journalists that were allowed to visit Lhasa for the first time after the events there to show the damage caused by Tibetans (Welcome to the Olympics). Beijing’s dilemma Tibet has been a restive area in China for decades and its current uprising, apart from being the most dangerous one since 1959, also takes place at the most inconvenient moment when Beijing prepares to host the 2008 Summer Olympics next August. The violent riots in Tibet and the brutality with which Beijing responded have attracted the attention of the world’s leaders as well as human rights groups many of whom now call for a boycott of the Olympics (Demick, 2008b). The 72-year old Dalai Lama, by contrast, said that the Chinese people deserve to host the 2008 Summer Olympics emphasizing that he opposes their boycotting (Magnier, 2008c). Sympathy demonstrations have been held around the world whose participants have tried to disrupt the passage of the Olympic Games torch in Europe, the USA, and Asia demanding that Beijing start the negotiations with the Dalai Lama to resolve the conflict peacefully and ease control over Tibet (Torch song trilogy). France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy, Britain’s Prime Minister Gordon Brown, and Poland’s Prime Minister Donald Tusk have already announced they may not attend the opening ceremony of the Olympics scheduled for August 8th if China does not resume its talks with the Dalai Lama (Elegant, 2008). Obama and Clinton, the Democratic candidates for the US presidency, believe Bush should boycott it, too. With the protests spreading further in Tibet, more critics of China will be galvanized around the world and more western leaders will be pressed to ignore the Beijing’s opening ceremony (Torch song trilogy). The way China deals with the current riots in Tibet is brutal, but not as brutal, however, as it was in 1989 when the last big protests erupted in Lhasa. Beijing has to show relative restraint because of the forthcoming Olympics and the reaction of the international â€Å"Page # 4† community to the events in Tibet. On the one hand, the government top-ranking officials are aware of the fact that for Tibetans the Games are a perfect chance to bring the attention of foreign governments to their situation under Beijing’s rule and with the help of other Tibetans living abroad to put more pressure on the government to give them religious and political freedom. So Beijing is forced to forbear from any harsh suppression of the rioting it preferred to use in the past. On the other hand, the government can’t ease the crackdown as it worries that ethnic minorities in other parts of China may get emboldened to revolt, too, if the Tibetan dissident movement is not suppressed. It concerns in particular the far region of Xinjiang in western China which is populated by restive Muslim Uighurs (Trashing the Beijing Road). Besides, any compromise with or concession to the Dalai Lama and Tibetans may undermine Beijing’s authority inside China now that government leaders succeeded in fueling nationalist sentiments among its citizens who believe that Tibetan territory belongs to China (Elegant, 2008). The US stance on China-Tibet conflict After the telephone conversation between President Bush and China’s president Hu Jintao on March 26th, Bush said China was ready to hold talks with the Dalai Lama (Welcome to the Olympics). For the Bush administration abuse of human rights in Tibet is undoubtedly an important issue. However, the administration is opposed to any boycotting of the 2008 Summer Olympics as some European leaders propose because it is aware that such steps will publicly humiliate the entire Chinese society, not just its government, and will not resolve the problem. The fact is that the list of the US issues with China includes also North Korea and Iran and their nuclear weapons. These are the countries on which Beijing has influence and can persuade them to give up their WMD programs. Chinese cooperation on Darfur is also desperately needed. So instead of shaming China, the Bush administration has chosen to â€Å"Page # 5† follow a wiser policy and urged Beijing to start serious talks with the Dalai Lama persuading the Chinese that he can help pacify the region and that this move is in China’s interest as well. Besides, the Dalai Lama who has an enormous influence on Tibetans has said on several occasions that he seeks only cultural autonomy, not independence (Boycott opening ceremonies). REFERENCES: 1. Boycott opening ceremonies. (2008, April 21). Newsweek. Retrieved April 22, 2008 from the World Wide Web: 2. Demick, B. (2008a, March 13). Tibetan monks protest Chinese rule. Los Angeles Times on the Web. Retrieved April 18, 2008 from the World Wide Web:,0,4684975.story 3. Demick, B. (2008b, March 17). Tibet protests spread in China. Los Angeles Times on the Web. Retrieved April 18, 2008 from the World Wide Web:,0,6519991.story 4. Elegant, S. (2008, April 10). China’s Olympic shame. Time magazine. Retrieved April 18, 2008 from the World Wide Web:,9171,1729704,00.html 5. Magnier, M. (2008a, March 15). 10 reported dead in Tibet rioting. Los Angeles Times on the Web. Retrieved April 18, 2008 from the World Wide Web:,0,5602483.story 6. Magnier, M. (20 08b, March 16). China cracks down in Tibet and beyond as protests spread. Los Angeles Times on the Web. Retrieved April 18, 2008 from the World Wide Web:,0,6720285,full.story 7. Magnier, M. (2008c, March 17). China plays victim for its audience. Los Angeles Times on the Web. Retrieved April 18, 2008 from the World Wide Web:,0,6547698.story?track=ntothtml 8. Torch song trilogy. (2008, April 10). The Economist. Retrieved April 18, 2008 from the World Wide Web: 9. Trashing the Beijing Road. (2008, March 19). The Economist. Retrieved April 18, 2008 from the World Wide Web: 10. Welcome to the Olympics. (2008, March 27). The Economist. Retrieved April 18, 2008 from the World Wide Web:

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Moving to a New City Make this Change to Your LinkedIn Profile

Moving to a New City Make this Change to Your LinkedIn Profile More than 1Â  out of 10Â  people moved last year. Our economy is becoming more and more fluid, and the job market is changing with it. But if you know you want to move to Chicago next year, and are starting to hunt for jobs there, make sure to change your LinkedIn profile to reflect your desired job location, not your current home. Why?First of all, companies want local candidates. They don’t necessarily want to shell out to move anyone or make the effort to recruit people who are settled elsewhere. Even if you’d eventually need to negotiate moving expenses, change your location to be in the same area as your dream job. The rest can be accomplished and explained once you get the interview.Companies are also worried that they (and you) will take the time and energy and resources to relocate, and then you might not like your new city or your new job. Time, energy, and resources wasted. Given the risks, most companies start searching locally first before expanding their net.Recruiters might even search for possible candidates solely based on LinkedIn searches by zip code. You could be left out of the game before you even realize.If you want to make a career change that involves a move, start online! Make sure you can be found by the people who can help you make that happen.Use the Location Where You Want to Work on Your LinkedIn Profile

Monday, October 21, 2019

Greg Knox - Inventor essays

Greg Knox - Inventor essays Heroes and role models influence lives everywhere, often without even knowing it. Celebrities, relatives, friends; even book characters impact teens lives, leading to better choices and clear goals for the future. Greg Knox earned the position of my role model. Greg is a successful inventor and entrepreneur who always stands by what he knows is right, and I admire those qualities in him. I value traits such as those, and applaud Gregs authoritative take on life. A figure who has taken fruition from his propositions and has scarcely backed down from the prime choice he selected I look up to him for that. Greg Knox exceeds the norm; rather than tarry and allow success to find him, Greg ventured out himself to wrangle the beast. Knox invented the Trunk Tracker, initiated a company, Synthecom, and engineered for NASA. Knoxs most commendable achievement? The creation of the Trunk Tracker. The Trunk Tracker aids the user by allowing them to tune in to various other radio frequencies. Bolstering Greg along the way: his extensive knowledge of technology, math, and science. His learnings also guided and aided him as he fixed and created many apparatuses to offer assistance in everyday life. Playing to his strengths favored Knox, and urged him onwards to his goal of an invention. Of course, Greg required an outlet from which to distribute his gadget from, and began considering the possibility of a company. Knox began the company with a business partner, and they soon triumphed. Actualizing his company, Synthecom, presented Greg with nearly instantaneous satisfaction. However, After a while , sales began to dwindle, and an alternative source needed consideration. This forced Greg to face a hard decision: let the company go, or keep selling a mediocre quantity of his product. After much speculation, a consensus was reached, and Greg Knox, along with his business partner, allowed a separate company, Uniden, to distribute the Tr...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Most Common Answer on the ACT Guess C

Most Common Answer on the ACT Guess C SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Everyone knows that, when guessing on a multiple-choice test, the best answer to choose is C...right? A friend of a friend swears by it, it’s served you well in the past (maybe?), and it’s become such a commonly known â€Å"fact,† such an undisputed strategy, that you may feel as if you were born knowing it- †when in doubt, pick C and move on.† But does this time-honored tradition of picking C when in doubt actually work on the ACT? And if not, what can you do to improve your odds when guessing? Let’s look at the facts. Why You Should Answer Every Question on the ACT First of all, there is no penalty for choosing a wrong answer on the ACT, so make sure tonever leave a question blank. You'll earn one point for every correct answer you choose and zero points for any blank or wrong answers, so it doesn'thurt you to make a guess. If you don't knowan answer and guessit wrong, you'll earn the same number of points that you would have had you left it blank (zero). And if you guessthe question right, you'll earn yourself one point! Now when you're forced to guess on a question for whatever reason, you'll have to decide between thetwo main types of guessing: educated guessing and blindguessing. So let's break down how and when to go about making each type of guess. Educated Guessing You can make an educated guess when you: understand the gist of a question, butdon't have the timeto workthrough it completely, don't quite know how to work through a question completely, or you're torn between a few answer options. But if you've got some idea of what the answer can (and- just as important- what it can't) be, it's time to eliminate some answer choices and make an educated guess. For example, let's look at an ACT math problem: Even if you don't have enough time to completely work through the problem or don't know all the steps, just a little knowledge of lines and slopes will tell usthat the answer will be B, C, or D. Why? Because our given slope is $-{2/3}$and a negative slope will fall down towards the right when drawn through our given point (2, 5). This means we can eliminate answer choices A and E immediately. (Spoiler alert: D is the right answer.) BlindGuessing But let's say you've come up against a question and you have absolutely no clue where to begin. Or maybeyou've got ten seconds left on the clock and fifteen questions still left unanswered. You know that leaving a question blank is tantamount to throwing your points out the window, so now it's time to make a blindguess. There's no time for educated guessing or eliminating answer choices- you just have to fill in a bubble. Butwhen you have to make a blindguess like this (or multiple blind guesses), are you better off choosing C than any other answer choice? Let's see. Don't let their cheerful smiles fool you- three of them are hiding the wrong answer, dun dun DUN. Fact or Fiction: Is C the Most Common Answer on the ACT? The idea that C is the best answer to choose when guess-answering a question on a multiple choice test rests on the premise that ACT answer choices are not truly randomized.In other words, the implication is that answer choice C is correct more often than any other answer choice.After all, if the answer key were truly randomized, then why should C be any more likely to be the right answer than any other option? [Note: the ACT switches between using A, B, C, D (andE on the math section) and F, G, H, J (and K on the math). H is the equivalentto C.] Some (or even many) of your high school teachers likely still design their tests by hand, which means that their answer keys will not be statistically random.No matter how much your teachers try to randomize their choices, human beings are NOT random and cannot properly randomize a series.For instance, a truly random sampling will actually produce bizarre strings of patterns- e.g., five AB’s in a row, or twenty questions without a D- and most people do not (or cannot) create these patterns when they try their best to be â€Å"random.† Fortunately or unfortunately, this is NOT the case on the ACT. Unlike many of the tests you take in high school, ACT answer keys are completely computer generated. And computers are very good at being random. This means that the answer choices will have a statistically even distribution of 1 in 4 for each answer choice letter (or1 in 5 on the math section): there is no most common answer on the ACT. So, ultimately, guessing C (or any letter!) will give you the correct answer only a statistical 25% of the time(20% on the math section). Which meansit's NOT true that choosing C will give you a better rate of success than choosing any other letter for your blind guessing. What to do, then? So How Should You Guess? If C isn't the most common answer on the ACT, then which letter should you guess? The truth is that it doesn't matter which letter you pick, only that you stick to the one you choose. The best strategy,and the one that will maximize your overall point gain,is to pick your favorite letter and fill it infor every blind guess. Maybe that letter is A/F or B/G - it doesn't matter. Just be sure to stick with it every single time. So definitelygo ahead and choose C/H to be your designated letter if you like it best! (Just don't expect C to be any betteran answer choice than A, B, or D.) But maybe you're thinking that sounds completely illogical. Why should you fill in the same letter over and over? Why Does Sticking to One Letter Increase Your Odds of Guessing the Right Answer? Your overall score will improve if you stick to choosing the same letter again and again when making blind guesses. This isbecause people are never truly random. If you’re making "random" blind guesses in a spread, you will almost certainly reduce your overall guesses odds, because your best attempt at random guessing cannot replicate computer-generated randomness. But by sticking to your designated letter when making blind guesses, you are re-introducing an element of randomness. Let’s see this in action to better demonstrate why this works. Scenario: It’s crunch time and you’ve run out of minuteson the clock. You have 15 questions left to goand only a few seconds to bubble in your answers. This means you don’t have time to even look at the questions, so you must try to make the best blind guesses you can and maximize your point-gain. You are left with two options: make a random guess spread, or fill in every letter with the same answer choice. Let’s see how each option does when compared to a real ACT answer guide (in this case, we are using the first 15 answers of the 2015/2016 ACT reading section answers, with all F, G, H, J's converted to A, B, C, D's.) (Note: for our random spread, we tried to guess as randomly as we could without looking at the answer key, and for our consistent letter, we simply went with C.) â€Å"Random† Spread Consistent Guess (C) Correct Answers A C A C C D B C C A C C A C B B C D D C A B C C D C B B C D C C A A C D C C C C C D D C B By choosing a random spread, we earned 2 points out of a possible 15.But by sticking with one answer choice, we earned 4 points. Ultimately, sticking to the sameletter won't work better for each individual question, but on average and over a spread, the strategywill let you maximize your overall point-gain. Oh, statistics, you strange creature. The Take-Aways So is C the most common answer on the ACT? No! But is it the best letter to choose when you're in a bind and don't know what the right answer choice is? Well, that's more complicated. Always remember that it'sin your best bet to eliminate answer choiceswhenever possible. But if you can't, and you must make a blind guess, then stick to one letter and run with it every time. If you want this letter to be C (and it's equivalent, H), then go right ahead! Just make sure you stick with it every single time. C isn't any better or worse than any other letter, or any more likely to be the correct answer, but if you decide to stick with it for every blind guess you make, you'll be better off than trying to be "random." What's Next? Blind guessing strategy is great in a pinch, but elimination is always better! Check out our guides on how to make your best guesses on the ACT, how to eliminate answer choices on the ACT math section, and how to avoid the top elimination pitfalls that many students make. Want to get more ACT practice? Check out all the free ACT tests available online and gauge how you're scoring by checking out what falls into a "good" and "bad" ACT score. Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points or more? Check out PrepScholar's test-prep programour five day free trial. Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep classes. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our classes are entirely online, and they're taught by ACT experts. If you liked this article, you'll love our classes. Along with expert-led classes, you'll get personalized homework with thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step, custom program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Try it risk-free today:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

To what extent is it possible you justify any type of censorship in Essay

To what extent is it possible you justify any type of censorship in the creative media world within democracy - Essay Example According to Kieran (1997), censorship is the limitation of expression for the sole intention of shielding people from themselves by selectively limiting access to a variety of ideas deemed to be harmful by some authority. Such ideas are perceived harmful, objectionable, or sensitive. Censorship is common in any country – authoritarian, democratic, dictatorial or otherwise. Though political diversity has brought about some freedom, censorship, especially in the creative media is still prevalent in nearly all the countries of the world. The justification of censorship in the creative media is a subject of debate. Some countries, especially the undemocratic countries, are often high-handed in implementing censorship in the creative media to an extent of crushing some basic individual rights. This shall be discussed elsewhere in this essay, but first lets start with the justification debate. First, according to Kieran (1997), censorship in the creative media is a necessity to manage the spectrum of thought, and prevent any kind of dissent against the practice. Some programs may be fit to be viewed by adults, but have long-term negative effects on juniors. In such an instance, censorship of such materials would do more good than harm, thus justifying its practice. In democratic institutions, civil liberties must be rooted in the freedom of speech and expression. Infact, one of the essential foundation stones of a democratic society is freedom of expression. The freedom of information and expression must be entrenched and guaranteed in the constitution. In a democratic society, the media must be let free to publish, and the public must be let free to receive the information and the opinions. This is an individual entitlement. In essence, for individuals to be autonomous and have a sense of self-fulfillment, they must be free to receive and impart ideas and information. Freedom of expression is also beneficial in society in that it promotes debate,

Friday, October 18, 2019

World economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

World economy - Essay Example And then, it might prove effective for the organization to present varied types of inventive products as per the requirements of the customers thereby amplifying the brand image and productivity of the organization in the market among other rival players. Moreover, in order to enhance the level of reliability and loyalty of the customers over a brand, customer retention is also extremely essential. It might prove effective in enhancing the brand value of the organization thereby amplifying its level of competitiveness to a certain extent in the future age among other players. Globalization is described as the process to move towards a more integrated and inter-reliant economy. This is mainly due to certain key environmental factors such as competitiveness, market trends, technology, political and economic scenario. Competitiveness- it is denoted as another vital environmental driver that offered significant impacts over the profitability of the organizations operating in diverse segments. Therefore, in order to cope up with such challenges, maximum extent of the organizations decided to offer varied types of inventive products to retain its brand image and customer base for longer period of time. Economic downturn- it is also another factor that offered a negative impact over the functions and operations of the organizations. As a result, in order to survive, most of the organization implemented the strategy of presenting value-added products at lowest possible price. So that, it might be used by the individual of varying age groups, religions, living standards and life style. Only then, the level of turnover and profitability of the organization might get enhanced with a significant extent in the future era as well. Thus, from the above paragraph, it might be analyzed that globalization makes nation-states more inter-dependent over one –another, i.e. more integrated into a global economy (World Trade Organization, 2008). Technology- introduction of varied

Revolutionary Nature of Romanticism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Revolutionary Nature of Romanticism - Essay Example Augustan literary ideals were opposed by Romanticism ideals. Emotions and imaginations were the most important for Romanticism. A power of mind gradually decreased and there was a need for sublime and something innovative in poetry. Wordsworth, Coleridge and Rousseau Wordsworth underlined a revolutionary manner of Romanticism. On the example of Coleridge’s â€Å"Lime-tree bower† and â€Å"Frost at Midnight† we can see a perfect example of a revolutionary spirit of a new poetry. Wordsworth also claims that representation of different things in an unusual manner allows a poet to represent his feelings to others and identify them with the feelings and emotions of others. For example, in the poem â€Å"This Lime-Tree Bower My Prison† Coleridge continues to show him Nature in a unique manner. His friends are walking but he is enchanted by the beauty of Nature around him. In the first lines the poet is depressed: â€Å"lost / Beauties and feelings, such as woul d have been / Most sweet to [his] remembrance† (Coleridge, This Lime-Tree Bower My Prison) and is afraid of losing his friend forever. The friends around the poet have the ability to experience a beauty of feelings about Nature and when he feels a friend’s empathy, he confesses that his low mood has become better. The following lines of the poem are filled with joy and he appreciates beauty of Nature around him even better. The main concern of the poet about Nature underlines another major tendency of Romanticism, when poets should reflect their feelings with regards to Nature and be closer to it. The poem is written in the blank verse in order to reflect a conversational nature of the poem more exactly. Moreover, Coleridge describes a kind of journey along the Nature and intimacy of relations with his friends is much important for him than a severe following the rhyme. The When a lime-tree is reflected as a kind of a prison, the author loses a felling of love to Nature . The poem is full of beautiful feelings and it is very pleasant to read. He is in despair and feels lonely. Nevertheless, only when the poet is alone he is able to feel the beauty of Nature to the fullest extent. A way from pity to joy depends on the poet’s ability to experience the deepest feelings. The poet refers to sublime and Nature worshipping thus creating a religious theme the central one for his poem. God is everywhere and Coleridge appraises God: â€Å"As veil the Almighty Spirit, when he makes Spirits perceive his presence† (Coleridge, This Lime-Tree Bower My Prison). He draws parallels between the Nature and Divine. In the lines by Wordsworth’s poem â€Å"It is a beauteous evening† we can see the poet’s worshipping of Divine and God: Thou liest in Abraham's bosom all the year; And worship'st at the Temple's inner shrine, God being with thee when we know it not (Wordsworth, It is a beauteous evening). Thus, we can see that Nature is div ine for Wordsworth as well. He is inspired by the innocence of his daughter, by her childhood. His ideas and emotions are sublime. Therefore, a nature of a child is also divine and religious for Wordsworth. Being inspired by Rousseau’s Emile, romantic poets believed in an immense power of education through nature and an ability of a child to stay above daily turmoil. In the poem by Coleridge â€Å"Frost at Midnight† we can see this tendency. This is a kind of a conversational poem as well. He speaks about the necessity of education of a

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Ernest Miller Hemingway Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Ernest Miller Hemingway - Research Paper Example Thesis statement: The compare and contrast study of the short stories A Clean, Well Lighted Place and Soldier's Home by Hemingway proves that both the works are with similar and dissimilar literary elements (special references to plot, character development, theme setting and mood). Compare and contrast The compare and study is based upon the literary elements like plot, character development, theme setting and mood. A. Plot The plot of the short story A Clean, Well Lighted Place is related to the problem of alienation felt by the senior citizens in the society. The old man in the story never shows eagerness to reveal his identity and personal details. Instead, the conversation between the waiters at the Cafe reveals the personal details about the old man. The narrator in the short story A Clean, Well Lighted Place, makes clear that â€Å"The waiter watched him go down the street, a very old man walking unsteadily but with dignity† (290). One can easily identify that the workà ¢â‚¬â„¢s plot is interconnected with the problems faced by human beings in their old age, disregarding their economic status. On the other side, the plot of the work Soldier's Home is interconnected with problems in human life, but from a different angle of view. For instance, one can easily identify that the author’s experience in wars and the alienation from the mainstream society can be seen as the motivation behind the plot. The protagonist (Harold Krebs) in the story is not ready to be free from the hangover of the war in Germany. In the short story Soldier's Home, the narrator points out that â€Å"He wanted to live along without consequences† (113). Besides, his hesitation to return to his native place with other soldiers reveals that he was not aware of his role in the society as a soldier. His return to his native place did not make any change in the society because he returned after a number years. His life with his family was not so successful because he was aware of the fact that his life is totally under the control of his father. At last, the protagonist is ready to break the shell of his dreamy world and faces the reality. To be specific, both the works deal with the problems in human life. The former work deals with the problems faced by elder citizens in a society, and the latter work deals with the problems faced by a soldier in his public and private domain. To be specific, the author chose human life as the plot for both the works and the only difference is in the treatment of the plot. B. Character development Some of the factors of character development in literature are concreteness, speech, behavior, motivation and change. Within this context, the main character (old man) in the short story A Clean, Well Lighted Place is displays concreteness because the author makes use of the waiters to provide information about him. This indirect technique proves to be successful because the conversation between the waiters unearths the specific characteristic of the main character. The old man’s speech with the waiters proves that he is able to take decisions of his own and others cannot change the same. Besides, he does not show any interest to communicate with others. The author provides ample importance to the strange behavior of the old man and the same proves that he is facing a number of problems in his family. Tyler states that â€Å" His suicidal attempt, his alcoholism, and his pathetic eagerness to stay at the deserted

User Manual Critique Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

User Manual Critique - Research Paper Example It measures five inches in width, 4.1 inches in height and 3.1 inches in breadth. It has an approximate weight of five hundred and sixty grams making it very light for portability purposes. The writer of the manual has organized the manual in a very user friendly way tackling each component of the camera at a time. The writer introduces the user of the manual with a basic overview of the components of the camera. This includes the simple to understand peripherals and components of the camera like the camera body, view finder, monitor, command dial, power switch and the mode dial (Thomas 2009). In introducing the user to such components the user can easily understand the detailed description of the other finer components. After the introduction of the user to the hardware components of the camera, the manual unfolds to the software components. This is in relation to the use of the camera and the various user interfaces integrated into the camera to enhance functionality. The user is introduced to use of the various camera menus. After this, the user is slowly introduced to the real use of the camera like in the first instance the user should charge the battery and then insert it back to the camera. The writer explains step by step on the initial set up procedure to make sure that the camera works as intended. However, this should have been discussed before the explanation on the camera menus for easy understanding. If the menus had been discussed after the initial set up of the camera, the camera can find it easier to follow. The manual also explains on the working of the camera. It explains step by step on the procedure to follow when taking pictures of varied nature. It goes ahead to explaining how the user should handle the camera, start, set the stings and select the background. However in demonstrating this, there should be clear images to show how and where to press or change the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Ernest Miller Hemingway Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Ernest Miller Hemingway - Research Paper Example Thesis statement: The compare and contrast study of the short stories A Clean, Well Lighted Place and Soldier's Home by Hemingway proves that both the works are with similar and dissimilar literary elements (special references to plot, character development, theme setting and mood). Compare and contrast The compare and study is based upon the literary elements like plot, character development, theme setting and mood. A. Plot The plot of the short story A Clean, Well Lighted Place is related to the problem of alienation felt by the senior citizens in the society. The old man in the story never shows eagerness to reveal his identity and personal details. Instead, the conversation between the waiters at the Cafe reveals the personal details about the old man. The narrator in the short story A Clean, Well Lighted Place, makes clear that â€Å"The waiter watched him go down the street, a very old man walking unsteadily but with dignity† (290). One can easily identify that the workà ¢â‚¬â„¢s plot is interconnected with the problems faced by human beings in their old age, disregarding their economic status. On the other side, the plot of the work Soldier's Home is interconnected with problems in human life, but from a different angle of view. For instance, one can easily identify that the author’s experience in wars and the alienation from the mainstream society can be seen as the motivation behind the plot. The protagonist (Harold Krebs) in the story is not ready to be free from the hangover of the war in Germany. In the short story Soldier's Home, the narrator points out that â€Å"He wanted to live along without consequences† (113). Besides, his hesitation to return to his native place with other soldiers reveals that he was not aware of his role in the society as a soldier. His return to his native place did not make any change in the society because he returned after a number years. His life with his family was not so successful because he was aware of the fact that his life is totally under the control of his father. At last, the protagonist is ready to break the shell of his dreamy world and faces the reality. To be specific, both the works deal with the problems in human life. The former work deals with the problems faced by elder citizens in a society, and the latter work deals with the problems faced by a soldier in his public and private domain. To be specific, the author chose human life as the plot for both the works and the only difference is in the treatment of the plot. B. Character development Some of the factors of character development in literature are concreteness, speech, behavior, motivation and change. Within this context, the main character (old man) in the short story A Clean, Well Lighted Place is displays concreteness because the author makes use of the waiters to provide information about him. This indirect technique proves to be successful because the conversation between the waiters unearths the specific characteristic of the main character. The old man’s speech with the waiters proves that he is able to take decisions of his own and others cannot change the same. Besides, he does not show any interest to communicate with others. The author provides ample importance to the strange behavior of the old man and the same proves that he is facing a number of problems in his family. Tyler states that â€Å" His suicidal attempt, his alcoholism, and his pathetic eagerness to stay at the deserted

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Econometrics Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Econometrics - Coursework Example The null hypothesis that students whose language is not English are not more eager readers of fiction than those who speak English at home is therefore proved false, against the alternative hypothesis. The alternative hypothesis that the students whose language is not English are more eager readers of fiction than those who speak English at home, is proved to be true. Minimizing the residual value of the sum of square will maximize the value of R2 so that the optimization problem does not provide a coefficient that is less than or greater than zero. The values of R2 increase in the sequence shown below: If there was only one variable for the regression model, it would be logical to use the variable with the greatest coefficient to maximize the power of the model. In this case, for all the models, we use noeng as the variable for maximizing the powers of the models. This is because noeng has the greatest coefficient in all the

Monday, October 14, 2019

Harriet Ann Jacobs Essay Example for Free

Harriet Ann Jacobs Essay In the autobiography, â€Å"Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl†, it tells the story of a female slave named Harriet Ann Jacobs. Losing her mother and father at such a young age, she experienced firsthand the account of a slave life. She deliberates in great detail the humiliation, sacrifice, and struggle specific to female slaves of the late nineteenth century. Though she understood the risks involved in publishing an account of her life, she moved forward with the idea and published her story under the pseudonym Linda Brent. Harriet Jacobs was born into slavery in 1813 in Edenton, North Carolina to Delilah and Elijah. While growing up she enjoyed a relatively cheerful life until she was six years old when her parents died. After the death of her parents, Harriet and her younger brother John were left to be raised by their grandmother, Molly Horniblow. Molly was an older woman who was well respected in the slave community, as well as by the slave owners. She was never mistreated, and she frequently baked goods for the people in her community. Harriet Jacobs gained the knowledge for all of her educational essentials from her first mistress, Margaret Horniblow. She taught Harriet how to read, write, and sew which gave her advantage over the rest of the slaves. It also would attract some unwanted attention. Margaret would later on will Harriet to her twelve year old niece whose father would subject Harriet to aggressive and unrelenting sexual harassment. Dr. Flint sexually harassed and physically abused the teenaged Harriet for as long as she was a servant in his household. Afraid that one day Dr. Flint would make his antics reality, she began to have an affair with a prominent white lawyer named Samuel Tredwell, whom she later on beared two children for. Instead of discouraging Flint, she enraged him. He then sent Harriet away to a life of hard labor on a plantation he owned, threatening to break in her young children as field hands, seeing that they legally belonged to him. She soon ran away from the plantation and spent seven years hiding in a tiny attic crawl space in her grandmother’s house. During those seven years she put to use the skills that her first mistress had taught her, and watched over her children through a small chink in the roof. Being cramped in the attic for so long, left her permanently physically disabled. In 1842, Harriet was finally able to escape to the north, and found work as a nanny in the household of a prominent abolitionist writer, Nathaniel Parker Willis. She later on is reunited with her children in New York, and farther down the line her employer purchases her freedom from Dr. Flint. While reading this autobiography you acquire a feeling that is very unusual. Most slaves that you hear about usually have harsh lives and are extremely unhappy, but in this particular case it was the complete opposite. Harriet’s life wasn’t hard not one bit. She was never mistreated because her father’s mistress found her to be very appealing, and she didn’t have to do any hard labor. But, she also wasn’t allowed her freedom which is what she anxiously longed for. That particular entity is what places everything into perspective. At the end of the day whether she liked it or not, she was still a slave. She could not walk away from her situation, she could not undertake everything that she wanted to do, and she definitely could not enjoy her life to the fullest because she belonged to someone, and that someone was a jealous, aggressive man named Dr. Flint. Harriet Jacobs insisted on telling her story honestly and completely, determined to make white Americans aware of the sexual victimization that slave women commonly faced and to dramatize the fact that they often had no choice but to surrender their virtue. Jacobs knew that her contemporaries would see her not as a virtuous woman but as a fallen one, yet she published the story anyway. She wanted to bring light to a situation that slave women faced every day. She was an incredibly strong woman for doing so, and by directly confronting the cruel realities that plagued African American women in the late nineteenth century, Harriet’s work occupies a significant place in African American literary tradition.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Merger And Acquisitions Of The Apple Company Commerce Essay

Merger And Acquisitions Of The Apple Company Commerce Essay Apple is an American multinational organization that design and manufactures computer softwares, consumer electronics and commercial servers. The corporation is best known about hardware products. Established in April 1, 1976 and called Apple Computer, Inc. Apple Computer, Inc. located in Cupertino, California, designs, manufactures, and markets personal computers (PCs) and related software, peripherals, and personal computing and communicating solutions. Apple is a affiliate of the SP 500 and the NASDAQ 100. Its goods include the Macintosh procession of desktop and notebook computers, the Mac OS X working scheme, the iPod digital tune player, and a collection of software and marginal products for teaching, original, customer, and business clientele. Apple sells its products during its online supplies, direct sales power, intermediary wholesalers and resellers, and its possessing retail supplies. Since of September 24, 2005, Apple function 116 stores in the United States, and 8 additional supplies in Canada, Japan, and the UK. In adding to its personal hardware and software products, Apples retail supplies hold a diversity of intermediary hardware and software products. Revenues for the era ending September 2005 were $13.9 billion, up 69 percent from September 2004 and up 124 percent beginning September 2003. Apple Computer is dedicated to defensive the surroundings, strength and safety of our workforce, clients and the worldwide societies where we control. We know that by integrating resonance ecological, fitness and safety administration practices into all feature of our trade, we can suggest technologically inventive products and services while preserve and attractive resources for future inventions. Apple struggle for everlasting enhancement in our ecological, fitness and safety administration systems and in the environmental excellence of our products, procedure and services. Apple has established a unique reputation in the consumer electronics industry. 1. CIRCUMSTANCES IN WHICH MERGER ACQUISION ACTIVITY THE OPTIMAL ENTRY MODE INTO A NEW INTERNATIONAL MARKET. Cross-Border Merger Acquisitions implementation is an art, not a science. Each situation is unique and presents its own set of problems and potential solutions but it is in fact viable vehicles for international strategy. Source: The globalization of business over the past decade has spawned a search for competitive advantage that is worldwide in scale. Companies have followed their customers who are going global themselves as they respond to the pressures of obtaining scale in a rapidly consolidating global economy. In combination with other trends, such as increased deregulation, privatization, and corporate restructuring, globalization has spurred an unprecedented surge in cross-border amalgamation and acquisition activity. Cross-border mergers and acquisitions are an essential part of the speed up profitable globalization of our time. Cross-border business deal quantity now account for approximately one-third of worldwide MA activity and this figure will only augment as business world-wide continues to increase. The compound lawful matters to be handled in such business deal include the management of dissimilar impression of business authority and capital market system in the laws concerned, as reflect by the strong discuss on MA law creation within the European Union. Mergers and acquisitions  (MA) and company reform are a big division of the corporate finance world. Every day,  Wall Street savings bankers organize MA dealings,  which transport Divide corporations jointly  to form  bigger ones. When theyre not generating big corporations from smaller ones, corporate finance transactions do the overturn and smash up corporations during spin-offs, carve-outs  or tracking inventory. On standard, big MA transactions causes the domestic currency of the objective companies to value by 1% relation to the acquirers. For every one billion dollar transaction, the currency of the objective company augmented in worth by 0.5%. More particularly, the statement originate that in the era instantaneously after the deal is publicized, there is normally a strong growing association in the objective companies domestic currency (relation to the acquirers currency). This quick raise has taken many MA firms by revelation because the popular of them never had to believe acquiring the capabilities or skills necessary to efficiently handle this category of contract. In the past, the markets are deficient in of implication and a more severely nationwide approach prohibited the enormous preponderance of minute and mid-sized corporations from allowing for cross border intermediation as an alternative which left MA firms unproven in this ground. APPLE COMPUTERS INC. AND NEXT SOFTWARE INC. MERGER Sources:, On the 20.December 1996 the enthusiasm Brothers reunited and saw the light. Apple Computers Inc. and NeXT Software Inc. declare that they will merge their technologies and that Steve Jobs will return, as a advisor, to the corporation he established 20 years before. One of the coolest bands in processor record was receiving back jointly and at least some populace was secure that there would be plenty of really cool belongings occurrence in the close to future. The Plan Back in 1996 Apple was in bottomless difficulty because hardware sales were deprived and the unsellable stock was growing day by day. The crisis was connected to replica manufacturers, who participated with Apple in an already small promote, and Apples baffling and not very wonderful product line up. The Mac OS ongoing to show its age and with the opening of Windows 95 it became really hard to induce people of the reimbursement that the Mac stage would suggest. Numerous years and still more dollars have been invested in a current substitute, system named Copeland, but it was still not ready for major time when Apples faced the rising monetary problems. The company was not only desperately shopping for a new working system (even consider Windows NT at one point) but had to effort with a traditionally low stock price and the awaiting danger of a aggressive capture from some of the big rivals. NeXT had no easy era as well. The expansion of the OPENSTEP working system was almost halted because annoying to keep up with the speedily altering Intel world was like hostility a behind clash without hold up from the hardware manufactures. NeXT drifted into the place of a Windows NT expansion tool supplier with focus on enterprise computing and vibrant web page creation. WebObjects was the only invention left, which had an actual future. NeXT and Apple fortunately realizes that they were in the exclusive location to lastly evidence that sometimes: 1+1=3 Both corporations had significant and established technologies which the other was absent and a amalgamation would make an amazingly immense scheme. in addition that Apple had its possess, still well appreciated, hardware stage and a universal resale canal whereas NeXT had a streamlined, competent association, a good standing in the IT subdivisions of large companies and they had well Steve Jobs. Rhapsody A latest working scheme plan was poorly wanted and so a latest road map had to be haggard over the holidays which could be obtainable to the depress and Apples consumer and developer society at MacWorld, which was seized in January 1997. The new young were primarily policy named enthusiasm and someway the name did well like a glove. The system had the possible of flattering an classic poem which brings an outstanding OS to stylish and influential hardware. The Big Picture After the amalgamation the conventional Mac OS followed a very easy liberate outline: main release formerly a year, in addition slight updates semi a year later. This was piece of the NeXT pressure in the software expansion subdivision which was now headed by Avie Tevanian. The centers transferred to permanent liberate dates instead of fixed attribute sets. The discharge dates have been mostly ambitious by the require to maintain latest hardware which in most cases necessary updated drivers or maintain for special skin. Mac OS 8.0 was exclusion because knocking the edition number was essential for Apple in arrange to get relieve of the replica hardware construct. They would need a latest permit if they required remaining up with Apple and Apple (read Steve Jobs) would not funding them such a permit for a comparable negotiate like they did under the old concurrence. This essentially killed the sell of Apple duplicate. Agreed the complication of amalgamation two working scheme it was understandable that it would take at slightest two main amendment before a meeting could be achieved. Enlargement on Mac OS 8 ongoing before the amalgamation, so it would take a Mac OS 9 to arrange the changeover to a fundamentally dissimilar scheme. Apple become stronger, more positive and more well-liked once more. The supply was increasing and Apple was back in trade foremost the business again the Apple product was stronger than increasingly and the corporation was promotion hardware like passionate which in turn concerned more developers to the stage. CPM Competitive Profile Matrix Source: hhtp:// Apple HP Dell Critical Success Factors Weight Rating Weighted Score Rating Weighted Score Rating Weighted Score Market Share Price Financial Position Product Quality Consumer Loyalty Advertising Management Global Expansion Innovation Web Development 0.10 0.10 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.14 0.05 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 2 4 3 0.20 0.20 0.45 0.60 0.60 0.16 0.24 0.12 0.56 0.15 3 3 4 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 0.30 0.30 0.60 0.45 0.30 0.08 0.18 0.12 0.28 0.10 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 0.40 0.40 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.12 0.18 0.18 0.28 0.15 Total 1.00 3.28 2.71 3.06 Apple computer Inc. standing before merger with Next as compare to their rivals in the above competitive profile matrix which show the outstanding position of Apple computer international against HP and Dell 2. REASONS WHY MANY MERGER AND ACQUISIONS ARE DEEMED TO HAVE FAILED OR UNDERPERFORMED Source: IPM survey on obstacles to cross-border mergers and acquisitions In recent years strategic mergers have gotten a bad name, to the extent that some pundits have defined strategic mergers as those where the acquiring company overpays. While the price paid for a company is a critical determinant of the success of the resulting Acquisition, there is no inherent reason, why mergers that are strategically well conceived, should go away. In fact, the evidence is quite opposite. These are difficult questions that require careful, objective pre-acquisition analysis. The tendency for companies in the heat of battle to overstate the real strategic benefits of a deal is a definite problem that must be guarded against pressures that arise from the desire to close a deal quickly before rival bidders appear, cultural and sometimes language barriers that create uncertainty, and the often emotionally charged atmosphere surrounding negotiations, work against this requirement of objectivity. The best solution in this case is to enter the MA mode with a carefully developed framework that addresses the key questions, and to stick to that framework in evaluating a potential acquisition candidate even when the seemingly inevitable strains arise. Our own research and experience indicates that the highest potential cross border MAs tend to be between firms that share similar or complementary operations in such key areas as production and marketing. When two companies share similar core businesses there are often opportunities for economies of scale at various stages of the value chain (e.g., RD, manufacturing, sales and marketing, distribution, etc.). Consider all that must go right in any (same-country) acquisition: The two companies must reach agreement on which goods and services will be obtainable, which facility or group will have primary responsibility for making this occur, who will be in allege of each of these amenities or groups, where will the predictable cost investments come from, what will the separation of labor seem resembling in the managerial group, what schedule to chase that will greatest make the latent synergies of the contract, and myriad other issues that are complex, detailed, and immediate. On top of all this the merging companies must continue to compete and serve their customers in a competitive marketplace. Now, take all these challenges, and add a completely new set of problems that arise from the fundamental differences that exist across countries. Consider, for example, for all the similarities that a global imperative places on companies, the very real differences in how business is conducted in, s ay, Europe, Japan, and the United States. These differences involve Corporate governance, the power of rank and file employees, worker job security, regulatory environments, customer expectations, and country culture all representing additional layers of complexity that executives engaged in cross-border MAs must manage. Is it any wonder that cross border mergers are potential minefields that require the utmost care? Fortunately, there are some basic principles that will make cross-border mergers work more smoothly. They can be divided into the imperatives of strategic logic and acquisition integration. Cultural Integration in the Process of Cross-Border Merger and Acquisition Cross-border amalgamation and acquirement (MA) play a significant component in foreign direct investment (FDI). In the course of cross-border MA, the venture occupied will stumble upon civilizing distinction and argument. How to add these cultural differences and abolish the conflicts becomes a significant issue for the venture. Civilizing combination abolishes conflicts happening from civilizing dissimilarity by classifying and merging the principles, psychosomatic states and performance modes of different communities. The cross-border MA cultural integration inherits and rectifies the emotional agreement of the intention corporation for minimizing the quantity of civilizing conflicts and forming the miscellany and agreement due to the civilizing dissimilarity in multi-national venture (Apple Next, 2009). Cross-border MA civilizing incorporation seek to reduce cultural differences as much as possible in the acquired company. Therefore, whether the cultural integration is successful or not is critical to the success or failure of a cross-border MA. In general, the following problems should be solved in cultural integration of cross-border MA. First, it should coordinate the cultural differences of peoples and states to promote understanding and communicating between the different communities in one enterprise and to avoid the negative influence arising from the different thinking models, behaviors, and values. Second, it should coordinate the different company cultures to eliminate the barriers in leadership styles, communication models, personnel system, performance appraisals, and social security benefits. Third, it should establish the companys core values by integrating diverse cultures to improve the companys creativity and competitiveness. Fourth, the effective integration of the companies cultures could provide conditions beneficial for the integration of operations. Therefore, cultural integration of cross-border MA plays an important role in helping the company maximize its capital, technique, sales, and other advantages. Method for Cultural Integration of Cross-Border MA Cultural integration of cross-border MA is a process to coordinate diverse cultures and make them mutually exist and develop within an enterprise. However, cultural integration is not as simple as merging all the different cultures into one, but a process to form a new multinational corporate model by selecting, absorbing, and integrating cultures. Cross cultural management is an effective method of realizing the cultural integration of cross-border MA successfully. Cross-cultural management refers to a system that an enterprise, in the course of MA, selects adaptive pattern of cross-culture management, overcomes conflicts and unfavorable influences, converts the negative factors into positive factors, and gains power of the cultural synergy. Cross-cultural management has its own principles and patterns, which shall be followed in the process of fulfilling cross-cultural management. Basic principles of cross-cultural management lie in respecting and understanding the cultures of othe rs, placing importance on communication, and making adaptive changes. People are the core of cross-cultural management. Culture is reflected in the thinking and behavior of people. Management is all about getting the best performance out of people. The buyer should respect the culture of the target company and try to understand the culture. The company should not use fixed values to judge the other companys culture, but should synthesize the companys strategic significance with its culture. Communicating with each other effectively and understanding each others culture is the most effective way to eliminate cultural conflicts. Establishing a new culture after MA is the amalgamation of different cultures and need not have the cultural imprint of a certain country or nationality. It will be a combination of different cultures. These four principles are interdependent and in the whole make up the basic principles of Cross-cultural management. There are four models of cross culture mana gement to resolve the cultural differences between the buyer and target companies. The first model is localization strategy, which refers to when each subsidiary of the company located in other regions or nations is regarded as an independent entity so that the strategy and decision of the subsidiary can be made according to the local conditions. The parent companys operating model is not imposed on the subsidiary. Rather, the management policy is made according to the local conditions. When the company is recruiting managers or other staff, there is little consideration given to their nationality or where they come from. The buyer respects the local culture and benefits from the localization strategy. The second model is transplanting the culture of the parent company. In this model, the buyer appoints its people to manage the target company in order to guarantee communication between the buyer and the target, and the buyer supervises and controls the target. As a result, the buyer can transplant its culture into the target company and gradually get the local staff to accept its culture. The third model is the cultural innovation by integration. In this model, the cultures of buyer and target companies coexist; a new culture and management pattern are formed through the integration of the two cultures. Cultural innovation can maximize the cross-cultural advantage. The fourth pattern uses evasion tactics. In this model, when there is a tremendous cultural gap between the buyer and the target, it is necessary for the manager appointed by the buyer to avoid the key cultural differences. Under this circumstance, the third party shall be asked to bridge the gap between cultures. This model does not address the problem and has considerable limitations. I n general, it only can be used as a transitional method. Buyers can select one or a combination of two or more of these four patterns, taking into consideration the cultural character of themselves and their targets, to culturally integrate.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Losing Patients and Gaining Insight :: Medicine College Admissions Essays

On Losing Patients and Gaining Insight "Call 911!" I shouted to my friend as I sprinted down the street. The young Caucasian male had been thrown fifteen yards from the site of impact and surprisingly was still conscious upon my arrival. "My name is Michael. Can you tell me your name?" In his late twenties, he gasped in response as his eyes searched desperately in every direction for help, for comfort, for assurance, for loved ones, for death, until his eyes met mine. "Flail chest", I thought to myself as I unbuttoned his shirt and placed my backpack upon his right side. "Pulse 98, respiration 28 short and quick. Help is on the way. Hang in there buddy." I urged. After assessing the patient, the gravity of the situation struck me with sobriety. The adrenaline was no longer running through my veins - this was real. His right leg was mangled with a compound fracture, and his left leg was also obviously broken. The tow-truck that had hit him looked as though it had run into a telephone pole. Traffic had ceased on the six-lan e road, and a large crowd had gathered. However, no one was by my side to help. "Get me some blankets from that motel!" I yelled to a bystander and three people immediately fled. I was in charge. The patient was no longer conscious; his pulse was faint and respiration was low. "Stay with me, man!" I yelled. "15 to 1, 15 to 1", I thought as I rehearsed CPR in my mind. Suddenly he stopped breathing. Without hesitation, I removed my T-shirt and created a makeshift barrier between his mouth and mine through which I proceeded to administer two breaths. No response. And furthermore, there was no pulse. I began CPR. I continued for approximately five minutes until the paramedics arrived, but it was too late. I had lost my first patient. Medicine. I had always imagined it as saving lives, curing ailments, alleviating pain, overall making life better for everyone. However, as I watched the paramedics pull the sheets over the victim's head, I began to tremble. I had learned my first lesson of medicine: for all its power, medicine cannot always prevail. I had experienced one of the most disheartening and demoralizing aspects of medicine and faced it. I also demonstrated then that I know how to cope with a life and death emergency with confidence, a confidence instilled in me by my certification as an Emergency Medical Technician, a confidence that I had the ability to take charge of a desperate situation and help someone in critical need.

Friday, October 11, 2019

BADM 3601 †Operations Management Assignmen

Caroline Walsh BADM 3601 – Operations Management Assignment # 4? Due: Monday November 12th ? 5:00 PM (a) Â  A study? aid desk manned by a graduate student has been established to answer student’s questions and help in working problems in your OM course. The desk is staffed eight hours per day. The dean wants to know how the facility is working. Statistics show that students arrive at a rate of four per hour, and the distribution is approximately Poisson. Assistance time averages 10 minutes, distributed exponentially. Assume population and line length can be infinite and queue discipline is FCFS.Using this information, answer the following questions. i. Calculate the percent of utilization of the graduate student P= 4/6 = 2/3 = . 6667 percent utilization ii. Determine the average number of students in the system ?= 4 per hour ?= 6 students helped an hour Ls= 4/ 6-4 = 4/2 = 2 students in the system on average. iii. Calculate the average time in the system Ws= 1/ 6-4 = ? = . 5 hours average time in the system iv. Find out the probability of four or more students being in line or being served P0= 1 – 4/6 = 1- 2/3 = . 33 probability that there are 4 or more students being in line or being served. . Before a test, the arrival of students increases to five per hour on the average. ?Compute the average number of students waiting under this scenario. Lq= 4^2 / 6 (6-4) = 16/ 12= 1. 33 student waiting in line on average. (b) Â  What are the three characteristics of a waiting? line system? 1. Arrivals or inputs to the system: these have characteristics such as population size, behavior, and a statistical distribution. 2. Queue discipline, or the waiting line itself: characteristics of the queue include whether is it limited or unlimited in length and the discipline of people or items in it. . The service facility: its characteristics include its design and the statistical distribution of service times. —————— ———————————————————————– Question 2. Radovilsky’s Department Store in Haywood, California, maintains a successful catalog sales department in which a clerk takes orders by telephone. If the clerk is occupied on one line, incoming phone calls to the catalog department are answered automatically by a recording machine and asked to wait.As soon as the clerk is free, the party who has waited the longest is transferred and serviced first. Calls come in at a rate of about 12 per hour. The clerk can take an order in an average of 4 minutes. Calls tend to follow a Poisson distribution, and service times tend to be exponential. The cost of the clerk is $10 per hour, but because of lost goodwill and sales, Radovilsky’s loses about $25 per hour of customer time spent waiting for the clerk to take an order. ?= 12 ? = 15 (a) What is the average time that catalog customers must wait before their calls are transferred to the order clerk?Wq= 12/ 15 (15-12) = . 2667 average time to wait before transferred (b) What is the average number of callers waiting to place an order? Lq = 12^2 / 15 (15- 12) = 3. 2 average number of callers waiting to place an order (c) Radovilsky’s is considering adding a second clerk to take calls. The store’s cost would be the same $10 per hour. Should it hire another clerk? Explain your decision. Yes they should hire another clerk because the customer average wait time and average number of callers waiting to place an order indicate that a second representative is needed.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Two dads are better than none

Life would always have Its way to prove that two is better than one. And partners would always almost remain partners. A spoon would always come with a fork, as a pencil would always have an eraser. A tooth paste would only be used with a tooth brush and a shoe has to be worn with a sock. Such things are typically seen as one. Though mammals the other would be fine, difficulties would still follow. Complete Is synonymous to perfect. And a complete family consists mainly of a father, a mother and their children.Two dads are better than none – a saying that goes against the natural law of marriage when you read between the lines. What happens when a family lacks a mother, and is rather replaced by two dads with their motherly big heart? It may not look complete. It may even seem peculiar. Or worse, unethical. But nothing would be more immoral than hurting someone physically and emotionally. A lot of children nowadays came from a broken family. As a consequence, they suffer depre ssion and attitude problems towards the people around them. They often feel alone and Incomplete.There are also a number of children left in an orphanage for their parents are not responsible and mature enough to keep them. Indeed It Is difficult to live alone or to live with people one Is not related with. And If two men are willing to live together and create a wholesome and loving family for a deserted child, why would I disagree? I personally believe that love knows no boundaries and that it knows no gender. Though I am a Christian, and the bible is strictly against same sex marriage, I find it acceptable but at the same time regrettable for they would never eve their own child.And thus no family of their own. But as I watch the pride march and heard their voices, I came to an understanding that they are happy with those consequences. Having a family with two dads may not be perfect. But the love that will be built inside a house, more likely a home, is enough to make everything complete. The sacrifices that these two men give the moment they decided to adapt a child and make a family may be equal or even more than the sacrifices a mother and a father can provide. For doing so, they are ready to face all discriminations, allInjustices, and all hardships In order to protect their child. They do not only need to be financially-prepared, but most especially emotionally- and mentally-prepared. People do change together with their perspectives. And everyone has all the rights to change. Being gay is not a negative thing. It comes all with acceptance not just by them but also by us. Moreover, being gay is not a hindrance to dream and pursue a family. Two dads are better than none By syllabicating Life would always have its way to prove that two is better than one.And partners Though missing the other would be fine, difficulties would still follow. Complete is alone and incomplete. There are also a number of children left in an orphanage for their parents are not responsible and mature enough to keep them. Indeed it is difficult to live alone or to live with people one is not related with. And if two men are injustices, and all hardships in order to protect their child. They do not only need to change. Being gay is not a negative thing.

Importance of Beauty Industry and Ethical Issues

Cosmetic improvements can make people feel better about themselves but can also make others that cannot afford or obtain such services feel worse. However, the debate as been raging as to whether or not the billion dollar beauty industry is worthwhile in the modern society. The beauty industry is very diverse and has multiple players.Players involved in this diverse industry include the dealers in the beauty products, the cosmetics, services for improving appearance like exercise machines, nutritional beauty products and above all the end users of all these products (Simms, 1998).Considering the rate at which the beauty industry has been growing, it would be important to analyze whether it impacts the current society positive or not. My analysis will examine the importance of the industry to the players and the society in general. In addition I will look at the various ethical concerns presented by the beauty industry and how possibly they should be solved in order to have the indust ry continue benefiting the society. The highest number of consumers of the beauty products in the current world and in deed over the centuries is undoubtedly women.Women generally adopt the idea of self-grooming at a very tender age (Gillespie, 1996). Unlike men, women have a natural interest in their looks and physical presentation and in most cultures; they believe that good looks and physical attraction is expected of them. Women therefore find it hard to escape such sociocultural norms and as they grow up they internalized the norms such that they simply become unaware of their motivations to seek beauty (Black, 2004). Nevertheless, the modern man has been quite conscious of his looks and physical appearance (Sullivan, 2001).The motivation behind men’s growing interest in physical attraction is a debate for another day; however, the importance of beauty products and services to these users is clear. The users of beauty products and services always want to experience body empowerment, pleasure as well as freedom from appearance (Haiken, 1997). Society associates good looks and great physical attraction to power and therefore those who possess such qualities would avert competition in marriage and other social spheres of life. The pleasure of having a good body elevates one’s esteem.The beauty industry therefore provides an opportunity for those who feel bad about their physical looks to transform it according to one’s own societal ‘standard’ (Morgan, 1992). Apart from the freedom it offers the users to improve their looks; the aesthetic industry is currently a multibillion dollar industry. From the manufacturers of various beauty products, to millions of users across the globe, the beauty industry is considered one of the top revenue earners in various economies around the world and therefore justifies its existence in toady modern world (Hiscock & Lovett, 2004).Despite the importance of the beauty industry to the various p layers and economies, the industry has been receiving criticism for its unethical practices (Brumberg, 1997). There has been a growing public outcry with regards to the industry’s unsustainable business practices especially with respect to the environment. Manufacturers of beauty products have always faced criticism for testing their products on animals, unsustainable sourcing for raw materials as well as for causing chemical pollution.But due to consistent pressure from the media, the consumers and the retailers, aesthetic industry especially the cosmetic companies are shaping up to be counted as good corporate citizens. Many corporate bodies in the aesthetic industry are investing a lot in CSR programs as well as in other sustainability initiatives. For example, the Body Shop has been embarking on ethical sourcing while others like Yves Rocher have been focusing on preservation of biodiversity (Organic Monitor, 2010).A number of beauty companies have opted to take holistic approach to the issue of ethics and sustainable business practices. These companies are now reducing the environmental effects of their products by opting to greener formulations, decreasing packaging of most of their products and also reducing greenhouse gas emissions as well as water and energy consumption. In addition, they are also considering the social dimension of their businesses and operations. These include ethical supply from their supplies and social responsibilities through corporate philanthropy.In its recent strategic report, Organic Monitor (2010) found that most companies are investing in greener formulations and sustainable packaging in order to reduce the environmental footprint caused by the various cosmetic products. The report suggests that packaging is getting high interest because most companies in the aesthetic industry have realized the high environmental impact most of their cosmetic products have had on the environment. As a result companies are now looki ng for biodegradable plastics, recyclable materials as well as other innovative ways to lower environmental degradation (Brandweek, n. d).ConclusionThe beauty industry has more to offer to the modern society in terms of monetary value and desired body image. Although, some may not be able to access or afford the most expensive cosmetic products like plastic surgery, the benefits far outweighs the concerns of the minority who would have to contend with their natural looks. But even as the industry remains relevant and beneficial to the current society, it has to treat the ethical issues raised as a matter of urgency.A sustainable business practice would not only benefit the consumers and the society but also ensure a continued operation by the cosmetic companies within a sustainable environment. Although, a few companies have seen this importance of this, more need to be done.ReferencesBlack, P. (2004). The Beauty Industry: Gender, Culture, Pleasure, Routledge: New York. Brandweek, ( n. d). Study: Natural Beauty Products Flooding the Market. Retrieved on August 21, 2010, from http://www. Brumberg, J. (1997).The Body Project: An Intimate History of American Girls. Random House: New York. Gillespie, R. (1996).Women, the Body Brand Extension in Medicine: Cosmetic Surgery and the Paradox of Choice. Women and Health Vol. 24. Haiken, E. (1997).Venus Envy: A History of Cosmetic Surgery. Johns Hopkins University Press: Baltimore. Hiscock, J. & Lovett, F. (2004).Beauty Therapy, 2nd Heinemann: London Organic Monitor, (2010, May 19).CSR & Sustainability: How the Beauty Industry Is Cleaning Up. Retrieved on August 21, 2010, from com/anm/anmviewer.asp%3Fa%3D27277%26z%3D2+Beauty+Industry+Ethics&cd=7&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ke&client=firefox-a Morgan, K. (1992).Women and the Knife: Cosmetic Surgery and the Colonization of Women's Bodies. Hypatia Vol. 6: 25-53. Simms, J. (1998).A Practical Guide to Beauty Therapy for Nvq Level 2, 2nd edition, Nelson Thomes: New York. Sullivan, D. (2001). Â  

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Health and Safety Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Health and Safety - Assignment Example The passers-by who use the main road are also in danger. The cattle and sheep may be potentially exposed to serious peril if the chamber suddenly explodes. (c.) Evaluation of Risks: Due to the impending peril of a potential explosion of the chamber brought about by the cracks, it is best that immediate remedy shall be effected swiftly. The toxic pollutants found in the sewer system can cause a critical threat to public health. In the event that it explodes, the water system shall be affected which can harm the community that uses the sewer system. (d.) Implementation: A simple solution to fix the cracks by applying a sealant to the cracked edges is just a temporary relief. There is a need to upgrade the sewer system management plan. In order to prevent sewer overflows, it suggested that some guideline should be followed: 1. â€Å"Maintain uninterrupted sewage flow without health hazard, effluent leakage, or water infiltration and inflow. 2. Operate a sanitary sewer system that meets all regulatory requirements. 3. Avoid sanitary sewer overflows and respond to sanitary sewer overflows quickly and mitigate any impact of the overflow. 4. Maintain standards and specifications for the installation of new wastewater systems. 5. Verify the wastewater collection system has adequate capacity to convey sewage during peak flows". Details on how to achieve a sewer system management plan can be found in this website (e.) Review of Assessment : The grave problem must be acted upon immediately. There is no need to wait for the operation to take place in June. The sewer system issue must be resolved in the soonest possible time as many people shall be exposed to the danger of spreading diseases and toxic pollutants in the water system which can be caused by a broken subterranean chamber of the sewer system. II. Operation 2 (a.) Hazards: The maintenance and upkeep of growing trees, grasses and hedgerows along highway and in the vicinity of a junior school in the suburbs of a small town has become a refuge of drug traders living in the area. The possible menace that the drug dealers can cause to the innocent children, the people who reside in the community, and the motorists who traverse the highway, should be prevented. (b.) Who may be harmed: The safety and well-being of the students attending the junior school and the entire school community are in jeopardy for they may encounter misfortune with the members of the drug syndicate. The gardener who is responsible for the upkeep of grass verge, tidy up hedgerows, and trim tree branches is in also peril if he is left alone to finish the task. The landowners near the site will also be in danger if no maintenance is implemented. â€Å"The highway users are exposed to harm, especially if they are blind and disabled and wheelchair or pushchair users. Children are particularly at risk from eye injury. They can also impair vision for drivers a t junctions†. Details on the danger caused by overgrown trees and hedges to highway users can be viewed in the website of Worcestershire County Council which can be viewed at (c.) Evaluation of Risks: It is impossible for the grass cutter, which is a ride-on mower to be driven to the site on the

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Human nature and politics Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Human nature and politics - Dissertation Example This essay tells that in the present day turmoil, observed worldwide in various political circles, and the disillusionment faced by the citizens thereafter, the focus has steadily remained on the changing political actors and their varying political ideologies, which are in reality superficial in nature. In a persistent move to examine various political theories and doctrines, one has failed to observe the most important aspect, which plays a decisive role in the world of politics and power play (both globally and nationally), which is the ‘human nature.’ However, the term human nature is not easily defined, and includes complex characteristics like human perception, reasoning, behavior, ways of feeling, thinking, that are naturally observed in any individual in context of his or her surrounding socio-political world. The questions as to what causes these characteristics to take shape and form within human thought processes, in what exact manner the causal factors work, and as to how well the human nature is entrenched, form the bases of various researches in the world of western philosophy, with considerable implications in the practical fields of psychological and biological sciences, religious studies, politics, and ethics. This is primarily owing to the fact that Ð °human nature can be seen as antecedent of a benchmark for ‘living well’ and behavioral norms, while on the other hand it can also be perceived as a characteristic that creates problems and constraints in the way of a good life. Aristotle in his virtue theory claimed that ‘virtues’ are human qualities that assist an individual to achieve the benchmark and ‘live well,’ which is in concordance to human nature.5 Machiavelli and Hobbes on the other hand believed that human nature tends to be egoistic thus creating problems and constraints in ‘living well.’ Machiavelli further suggests that each individual has the potential of ‘li ving well’ and being happy, as long as he/she does not face suffering. Hobbes however, takes an extreme view and states that human nature is entirely derived from materialist axioms, and the state