Saturday, September 7, 2019

Mission San Diego de Alcala Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mission San Diego de Alcala - Essay Example The relocation of the Mission from Presidio Hill to the new site took place in the year 1774. Mission San Diego de Alcala is listed as a designated National Historic Landmark and not only that but also on the state level is recognized as a Landmark by the Californian regime. The heritage resource is something that can be easily tied in with the Mission San Diego de Alcala. It has a lot of viewers annually due to its significance in terms of the historic site as well as the enigmatic structure which is based solely on the religious angles. It is after all a place of worship and surely looks like one. The open spaces within the Mission clearly suggest that there is indeed a large space for the worshippers and the sense of ease and calm is something that can be written home about as far as its architecture is concerned. The building rooms within the whole structure are not that tall but they provide space for a number of worshippers to be had within it. The roof at the lower level is covered in a very ancient looking manner which suggests that the traditional thinking was taken care of when it was being constructed. The official artistry of Mission San Diego de Alcala is in line with the religious places like a church or a mosque so to speak. The shades at the front end are supported by a number of pillars which form the support structure for the entrance at the anterior end. The reredos typifies the architecture of the Mission. The wooden structure has different small openings which hold the statues within it. Apart from this, the reredos gives support to the various mirrors which have their front ends with the large arch present towards the bottom sides as well as a smaller one being positioned on the faux and top columns side by side. The reredos is thus a structure that holds the complete statues positioning. Its location is somewhat of an interesting story since it is situated on the Friar’s Road, Murphy Canyon Road where there is a small lane

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